Thursday, April 16, 2009


I've been toying with starting a blog for a while now. At first I thought that it wasn't worth it - I'd never post, that it would be a chore and that ultimately, I'd let it drop. These things may still happen; however, it has been on my mind more and more lately - so I decided to go for it and see if I enjoy it. Potential posts have started writing themselves in my head lately and I need a place for them to go.

I'm hoping this blog provides me a creative outlet - far away from the rigid, AP style-regulated healthcare writing that makes up my work day.

I have two sons - Jackson is nearly 4 and Benjamin is 6 months. I've been married over 6 years to my best friend, Michael, and we live in Southern California. I've lived here all my life.

I work in healthcare communications for a company that is based in another city. I work from my dining room. My days are spent on conference calls, email and chasing my cat off the keyboard before she deletes whatever brilliance I just created.

The title of this blog is something that I hear 8,000 times a day. Conversations with my oldest son, Jackson (nearly 4) go something like this:
Jack: Momma?
Me: Yes buddy?
Jack: I gotta tell you something...

Keep in mind, this is how he starts every new sentence - even when we are sitting in the same room (or car) and having an ongoing conversation. It is like he feels the need to grab my attention every 2 seconds, which , now that I think about it, probably isn't far off. Hmmm.

My boys are amazing - Jack is known for his one-liners and sensitive nature (as well as his appetite). He's obsessed with Transformers and The effing Justice League, and knows how to guilt me into just about anything. Benny is chubby, happy and laid-back - he loves nothing more than to get ahold of his toes and try to shove them in his mouth, something he's becoming more and more skilled at. The only thing tastier than toes is his beloved sweet potatoes. Yummm.

I think that is it for tonight - the bed is calling (the hubs is out partying - a rarity) so I'm going to take advantage of the quiet and zonk out. Hope to be back soon!

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